Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Great Work

July 15, 2024

Its already been three weeks since transfers and that means I only get 2 and a half precious weeks more in the mission field.

My new companion is amazing! He is from CHINA! Can you believe that? He lived in china until 8 yrs old then his family from Kansas adopted him, brought him to the states and raised him there!
His name is Elder Fullmer and my oh my, he is a good one. Hes only been on the mission for 9 months and he is already zone leader with me. I am greatful for the opportunity to teach him the ways. 

We have done all kinds of Exchanges with the Elders in the zone, about 3 a week. It had been real fun to get to know each of these fine Elders!

We got a new mission president! His name is President Lloyd Newell! If you've ever listened to General Conference or music on the spoken word, Lloyd Newell is the one who announces all the things in a super deep voice! And I will say the voice is real!!! He is doing a great job he has a lot of fire and passion which I and holding on to!

Being ZL when a new president comes is a very neat experience we have been running around doing all kinds of things throughout the mission, Meetings, trainings, conferences! Its pretty rad!

We had a lot of folks who were on track to be baptised this month but sadly they have fallen away and won't be ready for a while. Although I am happy because we gave them a chance, and I know for certain they will have another, everybody always does.

We have been teaching a sweet family, The Castillo Family, the parents are members but the daughters never were baptised. Naomy 10 and Karla 15 made their own decision and were baptised yesterday! It has been a joy to work with and teach them. I have seen a huge difference in their family even after a month. We sat behind them at church yesterday and I felt joy as I saw their whole family together, safe, and side in the house of prayer. The Gospel Blesses individuals and families in ways we can only dream! But through Jesus Christ and our own diligent efforts its a reality!

I never thought I would make it this far on the mission it feels so wierd! But I am grateful!

Side note, I am ready for the mountains they are calling

    - Elder Sandberg

Moroni 7:45-47
Charity suffereth long and envieth not, it will never perish. The pure love of Christ

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