Saturday, August 3, 2024

The course of the lord is one eternal round

 June 17, 2024

1 nefi 10:19

This week marks 22 months of being a missionary. I can't even comprehend that sentence it has been the hardest time of my life but is has been the BEST thing i have ever done and its only and even more awesome uphill climb from here!

My companion finishes his mission this week! He has been losing focus, running outa gas and tanking hard which has been tough on me but the future is bright and I am excited for what it holds!!! I have been called for two years no more no less, I just about finished my second to last lap and when I see the tape at the finish line I am not slowing down, even when it hurts the most thats when I need to fight harder than ever! This church is true, its the most important thing there is, and I am treasuring every moment!

This week was an uplifting week yet hard n slow, but somehow they go by so fast!

About 14 months ago I was companions with a great Elder from Yonkers New York named Elder Gonzalez. In that time we were teaching a sweet older couple named Gerardo and Imelda, I had the honor of a lifetime to baptize Gerardo and Elder Gonzalez Baptized Imelda. 14 months later Elder G and I have progressed on to many other areas with different companions and out of the blue on friday, we recieve word from Gerardo that the following day they would be recieving their own Endowment and be sealed in the Los Angeles Temple for time and eternity; and that they wanted us to attend. We asked permission from President Egbert which was then granted and we acompanied Gerardo and Imelda through their endowment, following which came the ordinance of their sealing.

I cannot express in words the way I felt that day inside the temple but I can say it about made me cry, I felt the sweetest sense of peace, joy, relief, rest, calmness, and just the most immense feeling of Hid powerful and infinite love for each one of us.

I have learned so much on my mission and all I can say is i am so grateful for all these amazing experiences I have had, I am not here for me, I am here for those who are humble and willing to recieve these great blessings in their lives

We have a good group of folks we are teaching, in the coming month of July we should have a good number of baptisms lined up, more of our beloved brothers and sisters making the decision to be baptised and follow Jesus Christ!

My companion said that if I were an Animal I would be an otter, he gave me a whole list of reasons why and I am pretty stoked about it, River otters are neat little creatures!

Thanks for all you guys do, I am requesting prayers for my companion, our friends, our leaders, members,  missionaries, and myself, im going to need the extra strength to keep going strong, i have seen too many missionaries fade out and perrish weak in their last transfer. I say, its not over till its over!!! Hoorah rangers lead the way,

Here are some treasures I found this week.

3 nefi 27:27
1 Nefi 15:8, 14
Mosiah 7:33

One thing I have noticed in the BOM is it says: "Remember" alot! That principle is so important in life, remember. If we remember how loving He is, and all He did for us, it changes everything!

Alma 5:6
Helamán 5:9
Moroni 10:3
Mathew 16:21, 24-25

Much love Elder Eric Sandberg


Lots of exchanges, my compa is the tall skinny white guapo one ;))

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