Saturday, August 3, 2024

I can't believe I made it this far.

July 29, 2024


Time goes so quick! 

It is now my last p day on the mission. We have seen so much success in these past two weeks! We are tired, I am weary the mission president expressed how much he wants me to extend, I would love too but I would faint. I also think my mama would come down and personally drive me back to Utah if I stayed any longer. Love you mommy!

Right now our ward has 24 recent converts (folks baptised in the last year) and we will double that number in 3 months. Just in the past week we found 2 families with 11-15 people each. They are coming to church and are willing to commit! 

We have a friend named prisciliano, he has a date for aug 25! He is 85 years old, very humble and still kicking stong! The other day we stopped by and he was working in the yard!


Our sweet friend named Linda who is really progressing! She has a parrot who speaks a little spanish, everytime we have lessons he hops up on my knee and juat sits there calmly. Its super cute!

I have loved to serve with Elder Fullmer I have learned much from him!

I am just so greatful to be have served a mission and I still have two more full days!

This has been the hardest thing Ive ever done but man I love hard things!!! It has been so worth it and I am so so so excited to come home! 

I will be giving my homecoming talk on August 11th at 9 am in at this address!
I would love for everyone to come! :))

455 E 300 N American Fork UT

Thanks for all your support! I have needed it.

Much love, 

     Elder Eric Sandberg

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