Saturday, August 3, 2024

Locked out of the apartment Slept at Presidents house this week!

April 15, 2024

This week we had some exchanges, about 3, tuesday we had an exchange with Elder Blandamer, he came here to our area in Granada Hills, Elder Blandamer is having a tough time, he is origionally assigned spanish speaking but was having a tough time with the Language so now he is in an English ward. We try our best to encourage him but he has a hard time to help teach. He is a very quiet Elder who needs extra help and love but thats what we are here to give!

When we came home that tuesday to meet up with the Northridge Elders and finish our exchange (they are our aprtment mates) we tried to plug our code into the door to open it up.... and the code didnt work... and there was note on the door that said: "Notice to pay rent or quit" so they changed the code on our door and locked us out!!! It was exciting and fun. ive gotten good at staying calm in those types of stressful situations it wasnt really stressdul it was more just funny.
Anyway, we called president Egbert and he told us to come down to the mission home. We got there and let me tell ya! They have some NICE beds and a NICE shower and..... CARPET!

We slept there that night and president made us breakfast in the morning. Funny thing was, that morning was our big Zone Conference with the whole half of the mission, to those big conferences all the Elders need to wear suits, and a few days prior, the assistants called me and asked me to conduct the big meeting... so that wednesday morning we didnt have our suits sooo... I confucted the big zone conference without a suit on, just short sleeve white shirt and tie, it was pretty funny! Although we got to brag about the nice beds and that president made us breakfast!

Thursday we had an exchange with Elder Satini, I went over there to be with him in his area, this Elder is real tall, real goofy and acts like a big ol Gangster. He just hit 18 months on the mission! He told me this and I noticed but he was running out of steam and slowing down, I wqs able to help him keep the energy and keep it on the pipe!

Ive been out now for 20 months, time goes by so quick! Last transfer there was a lot of negativity in the zone and now we are going smoother, we have been trying to be good examples and keep smiling, and hard working!

The third exchange we did this week was with the Assistants to the president: the Big dogs!!! Fun fact one of them: Elder Hodgsen, was in the MTC with me! Elder Hodgsen came here to our area, we had an enjoyable day!

There is truly nothing else like this work and the plan Heavenly Father has made for us. Ive been learning that this whole mission thing is made to give people blessings, funny thing is it only gives blessings if you allow it to. Ive met a lot of fine Elders who are out here only because they "Have to" and not because they "want to" life is much better if you want to be there. A lot of times its hard to "want to" be here but when one changes their mind about that, its so worth it.

20 months is a long time, i dont want to go home, ive truly fallin in love with sharing the Gospel, but I will say the mission has been the hardest, most exhausting and demanding thing Ive ever done and its kicked and been kicking my butt... (Mostly in a good way) but when the time comes ill be ready for it.

"President, Im not trunky, im just tired haha"

The best part is, when I do go home, the work don't stop, in fact it just gets better. The Gospel is truly the best thing there is and Im not gonna stop sharing it, it has blessed me so much!

In this Area, we have been working with a lot of Less active part member families, (parents get married in the church, go inactive, then raise kids outside the church) its sad to see how many there are but its amazing to see how well 9-16 yr old kids recieve the message, they love it! Plus this sunday, 3 of those families we are teaching came to church!!! 
And I think teaching little kids the Gospel is definetly my favorite thing ever!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed conference! I sure did, I was able to watch 4/5 sessions in SPANISH! It was tough but worked out, this whole English assignment is fun but I am excited to back into the spanish trenches!!!

2 Nefi 9

Much love

Eldery Sandyberrg

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