Saturday, August 3, 2024

3 jews and and a bunch of little kids about to be baptized!!!

April 29, 2024

This week wet by quick just like the rest! On Monday the Hernandez Family (They arr our Recent convert: Fany's minister family) they invited us, Fany and Fany's nonmember daughter to a family home evening, it was just wonderful!

On tuesday we met with our RC dwight, he is in a special case because he cant really move to well and is bed ridden although we visit him once or twice a week and he calls us about everyday!. We also met with our RC Richie that day, he is doing well, our bishop is taking some sweet time to ordain him though... it's been too long! hopefully he will be ordained this sunday and then he can go to do baptisms for the dead!!! Richie is real excited for that! 

Wednesday we had exchanges, thursday was a good day! Was kinda slow until later that night we finally got in contact with the Bradford family! El Butterfield took us there more than 2 months ago when I was new to the area so i didnt remember them much, then last sunday we visited two member families and they both talked about the Bradford family and how they need to come back to church because they are such a great family! Anyway fast forward to thursday, our lessons fell through and we didnt feel like our back up plans were what we needed to do, then this family that El Butterfield took us to more than 2 months prior popped into my head! We went for it! When we got there I connected the dots that this family was indeed the Bradford family, the one that the ward wanted us to visit! We arrived right when the dad was getting home and on the one day this month the mom didnt work night shift!!! Miracle! We shared a message with them and had a great visit! We then called the member families who have also been trying to reach them, to tell them what happened and they said: "Man Elders that makes me so happy, you two are do such good things!" That kinda made our day!

Last sunday our RC fany (her calling is to pass around our meal calendar, she hasnt been to church in a long while so our calendar has been pretty scarce! Although she came last week and passed it around during sunday school! And everyday this week we had a member meal! saturday we even had two!!! It was such a great opportunity for us to get to know so many more members! On saturday we met with Bro Barnett, his wife Allison is not a member and Jewish! Butttt is quite opening to coming to church which is amazing! He told us about his mission in the philipines and he said he baptized about 500 folks on his mission! We about crapped our panta and fell off our chairs!

2 weeks ago sister Sheflo reached out to the ward council about her ministering assignment sister Friedman, Sister Friedman and her nonmember husband: Jonathon Chance, needed some big help weeding out their old yard! We of course jumped at that opportunity! We went over this friday with Elder Roberts and Elder Heaton! And we cleaned that yard up in no time! Jonathon was so Shocked and excited! He is a reformed Jew and this whole time his sweet wife sister friedman has been teaching him the Gospel, they even watched general conference together and they even watch Sunday church on Zoom every sunday, they have been doing that for quite some time now too!!! After the service they took us all out for lunch! They are so sweet and we began to talk about religion and he said he has a few questions which we were able to answer! We then set up a time on saturday to visit and share a message! He knows the gospel so well he has already read half of the BOM!!!! Ya know when they say: the field is white and ready to harvest! Thats what it felt like! We asked if he had ever asked to know if the BOM was true, he said he hadnt! So we invited him to do so! And he said he would!

Another Friend We are teaching named Kathy Barker is also a Reformed Jew! She is so sweet, she has been taught for TEN YEARS! (The eternal Investigator) she says she has had a love affair with the LDS church, just recently she has been so open and willing to meet and get serious about joining the church miracles all around!

The majority of the folks we are teaching are 9-12 yrs old + their member parents or Jewish! Pretty rad! All these good folks have come to love the BOM and thaf is something really neat!

Being in Zone Leader in English work is fun (Very Challenging but thats a good thing)! But its cool to speak spanish! One day I will be back baby ¡yippee ki ay!

Such a good week! Dont forget to pray!
Study your scriptures! And decide to be happy! Why are you happy? Because I decided that today would be a good day and I want it to stay that way! :))

Peace and Love 

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