Tuesday, October 4, 2022

I gOo CaLfOrYa!

 Que Pasa ladies and gents!

I missed the past month of emails so this will be long overdue

This week has been awesome 👌 we flew in on Monday to LAX airport in Los Angeles California, where we were greeted by 4 very kind Elders and a Senior missionary couple! Their spirits were so strong!

Slept at the mission home for a night, next day, met my companion: Elder Robledo. He is awesome! He was born in mexico city so he speaks fluent spanish (obviously) and his English is fantastic.

First day out in the field we had 2 lessons, a meal with a member, and met 3 new friends and talked with them about this wonderful church and the book of mormon. Elder Robledo and I created a saying: Hablamos con todos, sin importa. Which basically means, we talk with everyone, no matter what.

This past week I have spoken and listened to SOOOOO much Spanish, it is HARD but I absolutely love it. I got put into the town of Compton, smack in the ghetto, it is so great! Sisters are not sent here. I can testify that Jesus christ watches out for his missionaries.
I have had many exciting interactions, with drunk and high people they are always so fun! For example we were walking the street and a drunk black dude comes up and say yo what's up ma n**** (you know), punches me in the shoulder and he fell over, we helped him up and sat him on a bench.

We gave him a card with our number and the address of the church, not expecting much but hey you never know.

We are in Figurosa ward no. 1 this ward is split into two: English and Spanish,
We share the spanish ward with 2 other elders so it's Elder Flores, Elder Chirinos, Elder Robledo and I, I have already come very close with these Elders they are very nice and so funny! 

One thing I learned is Latinos,  especially older Latinos love to Joke! So I have gotten quite good at joking around in Spanish which helps build their trust even more. this is a very important thing to do. So every time I meet someone new and they ask where I'm from, I say, soy de Oaxaca Mexico! And they say: what?? Un gringo de Oaxaca?? Then I say, noo soy de Utah, and they laugh its silly but I love it!

Side note, I haven't seen a single white person that's not affiliated with the church so I often stick out like a sore thumb. 

I also haven't met a single Latino who can pronounce my last name besides Robledo. So when they struggle I say, that's OK you can call me Elder Gringo they absolutely love it haha!

One sister we met, said I belong in a soap opera starring el gringo muy guapo con manos fuerte, 

Almost every Latino father that I shake hands with asks if I worked construction, they say they can tell just by my handshake, one brother always asks if I will come work with him after my mission. I say ya veremos hermano which means, we shall see brother.

80% of us talking with members, friends, and street contacts haven't even been about the gospel its mainly just been friendly, kind conversations getting to know people! We are simply  representatives of Jesus Christ which I love! 

This place is basically a foreign mission! I love the people here! they are suprisingly friendly and very humble!
The same type of people Jesus taught who were ready to be taught. I have felt the spirit in every lesson and message that we've had! And I can tell our friends felt it too, its only been a week and  there is already such a strong trust with our friends, they open up to us which is very brave of them to do, but that's also how we can help them the most!

     Nos vemos
           Elder Sandberg

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